Global Unemployment Rates

Code to retrieve and cleanup data on global unemployment rates from the International Labor Organization.

In [1]:
import re
import requests
import geonamescache

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from geonamescache import mappings

gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache()

Get the HTML source of the page.

In [2]:
url =''
html = requests.get(url).text

Extract the data from the source using regular expressions and remove some characters.

In [3]:
re_data = re.compile(r'data\.addRows\(\[\s+(.*?)\s+\]\);', re.DOTALL)
re_sep = re.compile(r',\n')
re_rm = re.compile(r'[\[\]"]+')
re_data_entry = re.compile(r"'(.+?)','([^']+)',([^']+)")

matches =, html)
data_text = re.sub(re_rm, '',
data_list = re.split(re_sep, data_text)

Create dict from data list and turn that into a pandas DataFrame.

In [4]:
data_dict = defaultdict(dict)
for item in data_list:
    m = re.match(re_data_entry, item)
    if not m:
    country ='\\', '')
    year = int(
    val = float(
    data_dict[country][year] = data_dict[country].get(year, val)

df_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='index')

Add a Country and an iso3 column for rendering the map with d3.geomap, mapping country names from geonamescache, in the process fix some encoding issues in the retrieved source data.

In [5]:
cnames = gc.get_countries_by_names()

mappings.country_names["Côte d'Ivoire"] = 'Ivory Coast'
mappings.country_names["Réunion"] = 'Reunion'

def get_iso3(name):
    if name in mappings.country_names:
        name = mappings.country_names[name]
    return cnames[name]['iso3']

df_data['country'] = df_data.index
df_data['iso3'] = df_data['country'].apply(get_iso3)
del df_data['country']

Change column names to indicate the current and future years are projected.

In [6]:
current_year =

def cols(name):
    if isinstance(name, int) and name >= current_year:
        name = '%d Projected' % name
    return str(name)

df_data.columns =

Save as CSV and print column names for setting in Logya content header.

In [7]:
df_data.to_csv('../static/data/csv/global-unemployment-rates.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
In [8]:
'[%s]' % ', '.join(["'%s'" % col for col in df_data.columns if col != 'iso3'])
"['1991', '1992', '1993', '1994', '1995', '1996', '1997', '1998', '1999', '2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014 Projected', '2015 Projected', '2016 Projected', '2017 Projected', '2018 Projected', '2019 Projected']"

Map Preview

Ramiro Gómez

About this post

This post was written by Ramiro Gómez (@yaph) and published on July 22, 2014.

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