Obese and Overweight Adults

This notebook shows how to process data on obesity and overweight published by the Guardian to create Web based maps.

In [1]:
import io
import requests
import pandas as pd

from geonamescache.mappers import country
country_name_to_iso3 = country(from_key='name', to_key='iso3')

df = pd.read_excel('data/Overweight and Obesity data - IHME.xlsx', 'Obesity Overweight Adults', skiprows=1)
country Prevalence 1980 Male ≥ 20 Prevalence 1980 Female ≥ 20 Prevalence 1980 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Rank 1980 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Prevalence 1990 Male ≥ 20 Prevalence 1990 Female ≥ 20 Prevalence 1990 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Prevalence 2000 Male ≥ 20 Prevalence 2000 Female ≥ 20 Prevalence 2000 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Rank 2000 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Prevalence 2013 Male ≥ 20 Prevalence 2013 Female ≥ 20 Prevalence 2013 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Rank 2013 Both Sexes ≥ 20 Change 1980 to 2013, Males ≥ 20 Change 1980 to 2013, Females ≥ 20 Change 1980 to 2013 Both Sexes ≥ 20
0 Global 0.288467 0.297723 0.293944 NaN 0.298300 0.307592 0.303699 0.334921 0.349454 0.342819 NaN 0.368668 0.380008 0.374837 NaN 0.080201 0.082285 0.080893
1 Afghanistan 0.434719 0.382357 0.408788 101 0.461357 0.403985 0.433378 0.479945 0.418287 0.449724 102 0.492275 0.426127 0.459428 113 0.057556 0.043770 0.050639
2 Angola 0.364258 0.414418 0.391533 109 0.336723 0.391192 0.366153 0.365469 0.425857 0.397884 123 0.428890 0.490836 0.461870 111 0.064633 0.076418 0.070337
3 Albania 0.465603 0.378795 0.424249 93 0.468094 0.379045 0.425124 0.503193 0.405219 0.453366 98 0.561735 0.458180 0.510192 96 0.096132 0.079384 0.085943
4 Andorra 0.402356 0.362815 0.382455 115 0.411833 0.373189 0.392384 0.355085 0.347157 0.351926 132 0.344056 0.361205 0.353715 139 -0.058301 -0.001610 -0.028740

5 rows × 19 columns

Create iso column from country names, then set country to index, so it can be easily omitted when saving.

In [2]:
df['iso3'] = df['country'].apply(country_name_to_iso3)
df.dropna(subset=['iso3'], inplace=True)
df.set_index('country', inplace=True)

Remove all Rank columns, as they are useless in the map display. Also remove repeating info from column names.

In [3]:
for col in df.columns:
    if col.startswith('Rank'):
        del df[col]

df.columns = df.columns.map(lambda x: x.replace('  ≥ 20', ''))

Convert float values back to percentages as integers.

In [4]:
def percentage(x):
    if isinstance(x, float) and not np.isnan(x):
        x = int(x * 100)
    return x

df.sort('Prevalence 2013 Both Sexes', ascending=False).head(20)
Prevalence 1980 Male Prevalence 1980 Female Prevalence 1980 Both Sexes Prevalence 1990 Male Prevalence 1990 Female Prevalence 1990 Both Sexes Prevalence 2000 Male Prevalence 2000 Female Prevalence 2000 Both Sexes Prevalence 2013 Male Prevalence 2013 Female Prevalence 2013 Both Sexes Change 1980 to 2013, Males Change 1980 to 2013, Females Change 1980 to 2013 Both Sexes iso3
Tonga 0.772975 0.835758 0.804527 0.795270 0.853557 0.825235 0.817666 0.871935 0.846015 0.835377 0.883101 0.860597 0.062402 0.047344 0.056070 TON
Samoa 0.774268 0.798372 0.786354 0.787211 0.812553 0.799941 0.803319 0.830005 0.815938 0.830393 0.850131 0.839602 0.056125 0.051759 0.053249 WSM
Kiribati 0.735279 0.788322 0.761686 0.720434 0.781147 0.750673 0.738880 0.798411 0.768659 0.764518 0.818109 0.791152 0.029238 0.029788 0.029466 KIR
Kuwait 0.645810 0.772501 0.694059 0.618879 0.754681 0.675844 0.704987 0.812580 0.744450 0.744678 0.843116 0.780510 0.098868 0.070615 0.086451 KWT
Qatar 0.709360 0.742005 0.725359 0.749240 0.768749 0.757736 0.752717 0.779269 0.759686 0.756589 0.785497 0.770650 0.047229 0.043492 0.045291 QAT
Marshall Islands 0.592824 0.678309 0.635918 0.624106 0.706842 0.666693 0.710314 0.793677 0.753373 0.727467 0.807505 0.768888 0.134643 0.129196 0.132970 MHL
Egypt 0.631427 0.638216 0.635433 0.691683 0.675286 0.684057 0.707959 0.770306 0.739015 0.711999 0.794318 0.752854 0.080572 0.156102 0.117421 EGY
Federated States of Micronesia 0.594243 0.778843 0.686701 0.604084 0.788749 0.696181 0.612832 0.807107 0.712016 0.656903 0.841558 0.748792 0.062660 0.062715 0.062091 FSM
Libya 0.685628 0.755857 0.718560 0.694088 0.760965 0.725364 0.696418 0.762567 0.728262 0.706405 0.770430 0.739099 0.020777 0.014573 0.020539 LBY
Jordan 0.645657 0.670758 0.658486 0.682612 0.702582 0.693227 0.696453 0.726638 0.711315 0.716322 0.756393 0.736276 0.070664 0.085635 0.077790 JOR
Palestine 0.560601 0.669348 0.616366 0.606482 0.703151 0.655955 0.647779 0.734397 0.692048 0.699748 0.770494 0.735780 0.139146 0.101145 0.119414 PSE
Syria 0.647304 0.667149 0.657267 0.662187 0.679184 0.670557 0.686338 0.698093 0.692298 0.719710 0.726530 0.723239 0.072407 0.059381 0.065972 SYR
Saudi Arabia 0.490339 0.573332 0.527182 0.546685 0.616445 0.573981 0.663885 0.713937 0.685833 0.690043 0.742164 0.711451 0.199704 0.168832 0.184269 SAU
Bahrain 0.352026 0.619103 0.461056 0.434211 0.668254 0.530606 0.608020 0.709692 0.653509 0.676819 0.751828 0.710868 0.324793 0.132725 0.249812 BHR
Mexico 0.517496 0.536316 0.528388 0.556735 0.561022 0.559975 0.616951 0.674427 0.647707 0.668073 0.714038 0.693023 0.150577 0.177723 0.164635 MEX
Paraguay 0.589067 0.695285 0.645313 0.593625 0.700287 0.649113 0.620579 0.720989 0.671923 0.628614 0.729518 0.679937 0.039546 0.034233 0.034624 PRY
Iceland 0.667173 0.520689 0.594408 0.671113 0.524359 0.598084 0.703088 0.563824 0.633428 0.736479 0.608653 0.671341 0.069307 0.087964 0.076933 ISL
Belize 0.551820 0.726283 0.638491 0.551675 0.725683 0.638214 0.565368 0.738342 0.652606 0.586480 0.752715 0.671269 0.034660 0.026432 0.032778 BLZ
Lebanon 0.586627 0.526342 0.555342 0.655865 0.589850 0.620963 0.683565 0.607520 0.644769 0.711430 0.623260 0.666878 0.124803 0.096919 0.111535 LBN
United States 0.567312 0.439402 0.501213 0.607483 0.491306 0.547930 0.676886 0.583662 0.629212 0.709383 0.618972 0.663268 0.142071 0.179570 0.162055 USA

20 rows × 16 columns

Save data as CSV, and output column list.

In [5]:
df.to_csv('../static/data/csv/obese-overweight-adults-countries.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
', '.join(["'%s'" % col for col in df.columns if col != 'iso3'])
"'Prevalence 1980 Male', 'Prevalence 1980 Female', 'Prevalence 1980 Both Sexes', 'Prevalence 1990 Male', 'Prevalence 1990 Female', 'Prevalence 1990 Both Sexes', 'Prevalence 2000 Male', 'Prevalence 2000 Female', 'Prevalence 2000 Both Sexes', 'Prevalence 2013 Male', 'Prevalence 2013 Female', 'Prevalence 2013 Both Sexes', 'Change 1980 to 2013, Males', 'Change 1980 to 2013, Females', 'Change 1980 to 2013 Both Sexes'"

Map Preview

Ramiro Gómez

About this post

This post was written by Ramiro Gómez (@yaph) and published on August 08, 2014.

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