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Adult Obesity: Percent of US adults that report a BMI >= 30
Physical Inactivity: Percent of US adults that report no leisure time physical activity
Driving Deaths in the USA 2008-2012: Percent with Alcohol Involvement
Countries by Lowest Point of Altitude on Land
Where do People Consume the Most and Least Calories: 2006-08
What are the Most Policed Countries: Police per 100,000 People
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Obese & Overweight Adults: Change 1980 to 2013 Both Sexes
Dental health in the US: % of adults who visited a dentist in past year
Income of Software Engineers: Ratio of Median Pay to GDP per Capita
Drunks in the US: % of adults age 26+ who binge drank in previous month
How High is the Risk to Become Victim of a Natural Disaster: World Risk Index
Map of Mobile Phones in Use: Connections/100 citizens
Global Unemployment Rates in Percent: 2013
Most Murderous Cities in Brazil in 2013
World Cup 2014 Players' Birth Countries
Map of Murders by Gender as of 2013: Ratio of Male Victims
Venture Capital Disbursed per $1,000 of GDP in the US: 2000
Map of Internet Users by Gender: Male/Female Ratio
World Wide Slavery in 2013: Calculated Percentage of Enslaved